Get Involved Opportunities

Appreciation Team

The Appreciation Team is looking for more team members! We need people to plan fun themes for appreciation weeks, create posters, decorate, put together goody bags/baskets, and streamline the "process of appreciation." Whether you’re someone who loves any excuse to look at Pinterest, a person who has an eye for decorating, or someone who can make processes more efficient, we would love to have you! Please reach out:

Beautification Team

Volunteer to make Summitt a beautiful place to go to school. We can use your input on beautification projects at Summitt. We also have two Beautification Days a year when everyone comes to work on areas of the school that need attention.

Campus Advisory Council (CAC)

This is another great way to remain connected to Summitt and our campus progress. If you are interested in serving on CAC, please email the Principal directly at

Committee Chair (Eagle Fest, Website, Yearbook, etc.)

Volunteers are needed to head our events, programs, and fundraisers. Many have a team of volunteers to help, but need someone to lead and be the point person. Please email if you are interested. 

Homeroom Parents

Please consider signing up to be a homeroom parent for your child’s classroom. You would organize class parties and coordinate class families’ involvement in school fundraisers. You do not have to do all the work from scratch! A coordinator will provide you with a packet of tips and recommendations, as well as example emails and flyers that you can use. Sign up and speak to your child’s teacher at this Friday’s Meet the Teacher. For more information, email

Parent Teacher Association (PTA)

Join the PTA in helping Summitt & your child! Summitt has an active PTA. There are general meetings throughout the year. The Executive Board holds meetings monthly. Anyone interested is invited to attend and all are welcome to join. Flyers and the newsletter will have additional information about PTA activities and committees. Volunteer opportunities are always available. Summitt Eagles PTA website.

Did you know that an active and engaged family is directly related to student success? Please help Summitt by getting involved and getting connected to benefit your child.