
Summitt Elementary School is located in Northwest  Austin and serves a diverse population with more than 20 languages spoken in students’ homes. Summitt offers a Vietnamese Dual Language Program and participates in a German exchange program with Koblenz, Germany. Interacting with students globally and learning about different cultures prepares students as world citizens and leaders.

Summitt is part of the Anderson family of schools, which focuses on world languages and cultures.  Students are exposed to Chinese, French, German,  Latin and Spanish. In addition to a rich core curriculum,  Summitt students engage in Social and Emotional  Learning and are a part of one of the Summitt Houses:  Kindness, Courage, Collaboration, Innovation,  or Tenacity. Our campus also provides opportunities for  students to participate in cultural activities including Taiko Drums, Lion Dragon Dance, Long Dragon, and  Martial Arts.

Program Highlight Video

Campus Highlights

  • Creative Learning Initiative
  • Dual Language–Vietnamese
  • Foreign Language Experience
  • Gifted and Talented Services
  • Koblenz, Germany Exchange Program
  • Lion Dragon and Long Dragon Dance
  • Social and Emotional Learning
  • Summitt House System
  • Taiko Drum Program
  • The Great Hall
  • WATCH DOG Program

La Escuela Primaria Summitt está ubicada en el noroeste de Austin y brinda servicio a una población diversa con más de 20 idiomas que se hablan enlos hogares de los estudiantes. Summitt ofrece un programa de lenguaje dual vietnamita y participa en un programa de intercambio alemán con Koblenz, Alemania. Interactuar con estudiantes a nivel mundial y aprender sobre diferentes culturas prepara a los estudiantes como ciudadanos y líderes del mundo.

Summitt es parte de la familia de escuelas de Anderson, que se enfoca en idiomas y culturas del mundo. Los alumnos aprenden chino, francés, alemán, latín y español. Además de un rico plan de estudios básico, los estudiantes de Summitt participan en el aprendizaje social y emocional y son parte de una de las Casas de Summitt: bondad, coraje, colaboración, innovación o tenacidad. Nuestro campus también brinda oportunidades para que los estudiantes participen en actividades culturales que incluyen tambores Taiko, baile de león y dragón, dragón largo y artes marciales.

Vídeo destacado del programa

Aspectos Destacados

  • Aprendizaje social y emocional
  • Dragón largo
  • El gran hall
  • Experiencia en idiomas extranjeros
  • Iniciativa de Aprendizaje Creativo
  • Koblenz
  • Lenguaje dual–vietnamita
  • Programa de intercambio alemán
  • Programa de idiomas
  • Programa para dotados y talentosos
  • Programa WATCH DOG
  • Sistema de casas Summitt 
  • Tambor Tiako 


Foreign Language Experience Program (FLEX)

Beginning in 2013, Summitt Elementary and the Anderson High School vertical team take part in a Foreign Language Experience Program (FLEX) called One World Schools. Along with the other elementary schools in Summitt’s vertical team, Summitt provides foreign language instruction to first through fifth graders. Students receive lessons in a foreign language and culture, once a week, from a highly trained teacher who travels between the campuses. Summitt is home to the 3rd grade German teacher: Greg Rohde.

The five languages are:

  • Spanish-1st grade
  • French-2nd grade
  • German-3rd grade
  • Chinese-4th grade
  • Latin-5th grade


Our amazing librarian, Mrs. Richey, plans many wonderful things and events for our students. Drop by and you may get to visit the library pet, enjoy a pancake breakfast, sign up for Birthday Book Club, and of course, check out the many great books. All classes come to the library once every week or two, depending on their grade level. Books can be checked out for two weeks.

Middle School Presentations

Many of our 5th grade grade students are determining their next steps as a middle school student. If your child is interested in applying to attend Kealing, Lively, Lamar, Gus Garcia, Bertha Sadler Means, or Ann Richards, additional information is available in the front office. Additionally, there will be presentations given to our 5th graders in the fall. Parents are invited to join us in the 5th grade commons area to hear these presentations if they desire to do so.

Magnet schools seek to recruit and draw an ethnically diverse student body from throughout the city. Students who wish to attend a magnet school go through an application process, and proof of residence in the Austin ISD attendance zone is required to apply to an AISD magnet school.

Social Emotional Learning

Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) is a process for helping children and adults develop fundamental skills for life effectiveness. SEL teaches the skills we all need to handle ourselves, our relationships, and our work effectively and ethically. These skills include:

  • recognizing and managing our emotions,
  • developing caring and concern for others,
  • establishing positive relationships,
  • making responsible decisions, and
  • handling challenging situations constructively and ethically.

Our campus has an assigned SEL (counselors) specialist who supports implementation on campus by providing professional development, observing lessons and giving feedback on explicit instruction, and integration of SEL skills and concepts into academic instruction. Specialists work closely with campus administration and facilitators to develop SEL goals and action plans with the steering committee.

Special Areas

Art Art instruction is provided by a specialist in grades K-5. Student artwork is displayed on campus and in the community.

Music Music instruction is provided by a specialist in grades Kindergarten through 5th grade. Students in 3rd through 5th grade participate in an annual city-wide Music Memory Contest. 4th and 5th graders can try out for choir and participate in the Recorder Festival held each year. Students should wear shoes that will stay on their feet during movement activities.

Physical Education (PE) PE class concentrates on 2 skill units and 2 health units every 9-week session. We also have many fun wellness events planned throughout the school year including Marathon Kids, Jingle Bell Jog, 5th Grade Volleyball Playday, CATCH Night and Olympic Field Day! Austin ISD PE and Health programs aim to inspire students to make healthy decisions, develop social skills and pursue lifelong physical fitness.


The State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness (STAAR) exams are taken by 3rd-12th grade students. Please note that parents are not allowed on campus during STAAR testing due to confidentiality and security. Please schedule lunch with your student on another day. The library will also be closed these days. For more information about STAAR visit


Do you have a child with a disability? It can be confusing and overwhelming. Through our hands-on group courses, case management sessions, workshops and family events, VELA supports parents of children with disabilities in becoming their child's greatest expert. We are here to walk this journey with you. All programming is at no cost to families and available in Spanish or English. Check out our services at: