Parent Handbook

Parent / Student Handbook (PDF)



Students will go directly to the cafeteria for supervision by staff no earlier than 7:10 am. School Assembly will begin promptly at 7:30 am when the bell rings. Students will sit with other students from their class in an orderly and quiet manner. After Assembly, teachers will lead their students to the classroom to begin instruction at 7:40 am.

Absences and Tardies

School beings at 7:40 am. Students arriving late need to go to the office to obtain a Tardy slip. If a student shows up to their class without a slip, they will be sent to the office to obtain a slip. The school enters attendance data into a computer by 10:00 am daily. The state compulsory attendance law states that students are in non-compliance with the law when they have 3 or more unexcused days or parts of days (tardies) within a four week period or ten or more unexcused days or parts of days (tardies) within a six month period. Days or parts of days (tardies) count as one day. You will receive a letter from the school district if your child has too many unexcused tardies and/or absences. Absences will be excused for a child’s illness or observance of a religious holiday. Written excuses/doctor’s notes must be brought to the school office within two days of the child’s return to school. Excuses for tardies must be completed by the parent in the school office on the day of late arrival. All excuses are kept for audit purposes. If you do not bring a note to the office, your child will have an unexcused tardy or absence on his/her attendance records.

Enjoy these tips: Every Day Counts! Your Child’s Success Begins with Attendance – Tips for Parents

If your child is ill or must be absent due to an observance of a religious holiday, please request schoolwork by notifying your child’s teacher. Allow 24 hours for the teacher to prepare make-up work. It will be available for pick-up in the school office.

Please do not plan vacations during the school year on regular school days. Vacations will be counted as unexcused absences.

Early Pick Up

If your child needs to be picked up early, report to the office, sign student out and ask the secretary to call your student. Only authorized persons can pick up a student. If there is a change in who may pick up your child, be sure to notify the office. Whenever possible, please try to make appointments outside school hours.


Please pick-up your child along the plan that you have provided to your child’s teacher. If something needs to change with that plan please notify the front office and your child’s teacher. There is a bell that rings at 3:10pm to dismiss students. All students must by picked up by 3:05 pm as teachers cannot be responsible for them after that time. For their safety, any students not picked up in their classroom by 3:20 pm will wait in the office. Students will only be released to parents/guardians listed on the emergency care card. You will be asked to sign the late pick up book.

Please remember that students are released at the following times at the end of the school day:

3:10 pm – Pre-K pickup
3:10 pm – Kinder thru 5th pickup

Student Withdrawal from Summitt

If your child must be withdrawn from school:

  • Notify the school at least two days in advance.
  • The teacher will complete necessary paperwork.
  • The secretary will complete withdrawal paperwork.
  • All library books and textbooks must be returned or paid for before records will be cleared.


Behavior Expectation

AISD has a discipline policy; you will receive a copy. Summitt Elementary’s discipline plan requests students show respect for themselves, for others and for school property. Each classroom has a discipline management plan which will be explained to you during Back-to-School Night.

Cell Phones

Cell phones must be turned off and left in backpacks during school hours.


Summitt Counselors are available to assist both students and parents on a consistent basis. Children are supported through classroom guidance activities, small groups on various topics as needs arise. Parents may benefit from consultation with the counselor related to specific issues that impact their child. You may call one of the counselors directly at 512-414-4248.

Textbooks and Library Books

The school issues, collects, and accounts for all textbooks. All textbooks should be covered at all times with school-issued book covers. Textbooks and library books that are lost or damaged by a student must be paid for by the parent at the current replacement price.

Valuable Items

Students should leave trading cards, video games, and other expensive items and toys at home. They may be lost or interrupt instruction in the classroom. Students will not buy, sell, or trade items at school.


Any weapon will be confiscated by the administration, and the appropriate authorities will be notified.


If you would like to set up an account for your child, send money for the week or month in an envelope with the student’s name and the teacher’s name or go to If you need your Student’s ID number for either of these processes, please call the office. Some students also know their ID numbers. The cafeteria does not have change in the morning and checks are not accepted. Parents may apply for free or reduced-priced meals through the School Cafe website. 

Breakfast: 7:15 am to 7:40 am

Lunch: 10:30 am to 1:00 pm

A meal will be provided for students if they forget their lunch money. No money is available for loans. Parents may enter specific requests concerning student lunches into the computer in the cafeteria.

Celebrations & Field Trips

Birthday Celebrations

Our goal at Summitt is for each student to feel equally special at school on his/her birthday. Private birthday parties will not be held at school. Invitations to private birthday parties may be distributed if the entire class is invited. Food or other party items may be distributed at the end of the school day to celebrate birthdays at the classroom teacher’s discretion. Please contact your child’s teacher to make the appropriate arrangements. Parents shall not send food, balloons, etc. for a child’s birthday. These items cannot be distributed during school hours and will not be shared. Any food items provided must be store bought.

Class Parties

All school- connected social activities shall be approved by and planned with the teacher and children involved, in consultation with the principal. Each class may have no more than three official parties per year.

Field Trips

Parents will be notified in advance whenever children will leave campus on study trips. A permission form is sent home for parent signature when students are riding in private or commercial transportation.

Communication & Visits

Concerns/Complaint Policy

Staff and parents are a partnership in the education of students at Summitt Elementary. Parents may call teachers directly in their classrooms. Messages are checked before school, during planning time, and after school. To avoid interruption of instruction, teachers will return your calls during their planning time or after school. Please contact the teacher first if you have a question or concern. Please schedule conferences during planning time or after school. No conferences will be held from 7:30 –7:45a.m. Every attempt will be made to return phone calls on the day that they are received to resolve concerns. 

Lost and Found

Lost and found items will be located in the Hallway close to the front entrance. All clothing and items that can be removed from the student at school should be clearly marked with the child’s name. All items not claimed are donated to charity. Small items like glasses and billfolds are kept in the school office. Ask for them there.


The PTA official newsletter of Summitt, the Summitt Eagles Elementary Newsletter, is distributed on each Wednesday during the school year via email. This newsletter will give you information for about activities at the school. Subscribe today.

Online Learning Platforms

Most of our teachers will have a BLEND landing page. 

BLEND can be accessed through the student and parent portal.

Parent-Teacher Conferences

Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held with all parents during the first and third nine-weeks reporting periods. Additional conferences can be requested at any time by contacting the teacher.

Permanent Records

In accordance with the Open Records Law, parents who wish to review their child’s permanent records may do so by contacting the school office.

Report Cards

Report Cards are distributed digitally at the end of each nine weeks. Mid nine weeks reports are sent home when students are having academic difficulty. Schedule conferences as needed.

School-Home Communication

“Monday Folders” will be sent each week to facilitate communication between home and school. Please check your child’s folder to see papers to be returned to school and papers to be kept at home. Please encourage your child to bring notes to you even if they are sent on other days.


Report to the office with your driver’s license. A name tag will be created for you. Once you are in the system, the process will be faster but you will need to show your driver’s license upon every visit so please have it on hand. We ask visitors to sign out at the conclusion of your visit so please stop by the office and turn in your name tag. If you would like to observe instruction, let the teacher know in advance. This courtesy allows the visit to benefit everyone. Please limit visits to 30 minutes and leave younger children at home. Schedule a conference with the teacher if you would like to discuss your visit.

Emergency Contact

Change of Address or Phone Number

For the safety and protection of your child, please notify the office in writing of any changes of address or phone number(s). We must have a phone number where the parent(s) can be reached during the school day, especially in case of illness or accident. We also need to know who has permission to pick up your child from school. Copies of court papers will be kept in the office and referred to as necessary.

Emergency Care Forms

Please complete and update information on the Emergency Forms so that we have current phone numbers and names of persons who may pick up your child(ren). See also heading titled “Change of Address or Phone Number.”



AISD implements Texas Department of Health rules and regulations regarding immunizations for student enrollment and attendance. All students must have all age-appropriate immunizations required by the state of Texas.


Student accident insurance is available to all students. A packet will be available for each student in September of each year. Purchase of these benefits is optional.


According to AISD Policy, prescription and non-prescription medicine will be given by school personnel during school hours only as necessary. Parent/guardian must complete a signed medication form prior to medication being given. The medication must be in the original container with the child’s name, current date, and specific instructions for administration. Medication given three times a day should be given before school, after school, and in the evening by the parent. Empty medicine containers will be sent home with the child as a reminder to send refills, if necessary. All medications must be kept in the office. Children are not allowed to self-medicate.


Children can receive a pass from the classroom teacher to see the nurse or a secretary (when the nurse or her assistant is not on campus). In most cases, the student’s temperature is taken, and the child may be given the opportunity to rest in the nurse’s office. First aid will be administered as needed. Parents will be contacted if the child is ill or injured. Students with a 100.0 fever must be sent home and CANNOT return to school until the temperature returns to normal for 24 hours without the use of fever medication.

Vision and Hearing

Each year students in early childhood (EC), pre-kindergarten (Pre-K), kindergarten (K), second and fifth grade are screened for vision and hearing problems. Students in other grade levels may be referred for screening by the teachers or parents.

Parent Involvement

Parent-Teacher Association (PTA)

Summitt has an active PTA. There are general meetings throughout the year. The Executive Board holds meetings monthly. Anyone interested is invited to attend and all are welcome to join. Flyers and the newsletter will have additional information about PTA activities and committees. Volunteer opportunities are always available.

Parent Involvement Policy

Please report to the office and get a name tag. We welcome parents as volunteers in the school. Opportunities are available to work in the cafeteria, library, classroom, office, and computer lab. A parent/teacher workroom is located behind the teacher breakroom. There is always a place for you at Summitt.

Partners in Education

Our partners contribute volunteer time, in-kind gifts or monetary donations to our school to help us attain our goals. Please patronize our partners to thank them for their support of our school programs.

AISD & Important Links